Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Walnut St.

At one time the survival and growth of a town relied on the service that railroads provided.

Look through the parking ramp and  see the old Mankato Railroad Station, which has been adaptively reused to house several businesses, including the Mankato Area Chamber and Visitor�s Bureau.  It could have easily been torn down, but was saved.  It  serves as a valuable landmark to our past, while helping Mankato define its future.

On the left, just beyond the parking ramp, is 115 South Front Street, the four story Martin Building.  Behind you on the right at 105 Walnut Street is the nine-story Walnut Towers Apartments.  Both buildings are about the same size but note how modern materials and technology (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) have influenced the amount of space required between floors to more than double the space available in the Walnut Tower.
Now you see the Holiday Inn front of you.  Note the almost �blank stare� the building has.  The lack of windows and a strong entry deny a strong statement to guests.  Originally this was designed as a nine story tower sitting in alignment with �Old Towne�. Unfortunately, this was changed, and it was �turned on its side� to become the way it looks today.
Go into the lobby which is considered a public passage to Front Street.  Note the lack of locks on the doors.  Also how hard it is to walk around this building because of sidewalks.

As you enter, look at the ceilings.  Why are they so low?  Now, proceed and they explode above you in greater space.
Exit and carefully cross Main St. to the LIBRARY.

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