Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Parson and Lincoln Sts.

Look down the next  street. 
At the end of Parson St. is a complex of row houses (each sharing a party wall).  This kind of development is unusual for a town like Mankato.  From the late teens or early twenties, this is more commonly associated with a big city where the value and demand for housing are high.  These are a reflection of a time when the city was literally outgrowing its land resources and could not access other land because of the site and  plan of the community.

Parson St.
04 Parson St.  The blue house on the corner with the lovely white Grecian style pillars and tall witches cap topped tower is a wonderful example of the Queen Anne Style of home of  the high Victorian Era from about 1880. You will see other examples of this style of house with similar characteristics as you proceed on your tour.  Why would anyone want to build a house like this at that time?

104 Parsons Street
Walk down Lincoln St. for about a block to the corner of:

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